LipoLaser works for Spot Fat Reduction!
Just how good is LipoLaser?
Lipolaser simply shrinks the fat cells in your body, rather than remove fat cells through surgical liposuction – which is invasive, costly, painful and potentially risky. Contrary to popular myth, with regular liposuction, the fat comes back—but to a new location. If a liposuction patient gains weight after surgery, the new fat develops in areas not treated in the surgery, which permanently removes fat cells, forcing fat to distribute elsewhere. For example, if fat cells are removed from the abdomen, fat may later accumulate in the upper arms or the thighs. Some studies have shown that most non-obese women who underwent liposuction regained all the weight that was removed within a year of the surgery. The advantage of Lipolaser is that if people don`t change their lifestyles and regain fat, at least it`ll be naturally distributed, unlike liposurgery.
Lipolaser’s cold laser penetrates few millimetres beneath your skin, targeting only the fat cells without damaging your organs. The laser creates pores in the walls of the fat cells temporarily to literally drain them, allowing some of the cells’ contents to drain into your lymphatic system. These triglycerides are broken down, metabolized by the body, and eliminated in part through the urinary tract. During the procedure, about 500 calories worth of fat are released into your body from the specific areas treated. That’s step one. The next step is to flush those calories out of your system so as to avoid having them settle elsewhere on your body. That part is up to you.

Finally, we provide a vigourous 10 minute session on the vibrator plate to stimulate the lymphatic system after every lipolaser session. To make your session more effective, refrain from eating for two hours before and two hours after each treatment. This will help you naturally burn up some of these calories. Drink plenty of water on the day of your treatment, before and after, to help flush out the triglycerides. Avoid carbohydrates, especially all sugars and anything made from grain. Glucose, from carbohydrates, immediately enters the blood and signals the body to stop burning fat. Larger amounts of glucose will trigger fat accumulation again. Finally, be sure to do some cardiovascular exercise - anything that gets, and keeps, your body moving. Contrary to what a lot of people say, this is more to trigger the lymphatic system to eliminate the fat waste than it is to burn calories.

Compared to other treatments, lipolaser is safe. The technology has existed in Canada for a few years now, though it’s been in Europe for longer. It is Health Canada and FDA certified and safe to use. The only reported side effect is that some darker-skinned patients have experienced hyperpigmentation. Liposuction itself is not always as safe as many think. In the US about one in 5,000 patients dies from the procedure. Other severe though rare complications include infection, cardiac arrest, blood clots, excessive fluid loss, fluid accumulation, damage to the skin or nerves, seizures, bruising, swelling, and damage to vital organs. Furthermore, the cosmetic results are often disappointing due to loose sagging skin and uneven contours. In response to these problems, many have promoted the new and increasingly popular laser liposuction procedure.

Lipolaser should not be confused with ‘Laser Lipo`` (Laser Liposuction). Laser lipo is a new procedure that is still invasive, and still liposuction, which results in the removal of fat cells. It still creates the subsequent problems that can occur if fat is regained and disproportionately retained in the non-treated areas. However, laser lipo is safer than regular liposuction, with fewer risks.