​Custom Fitness Packages
...you tell 'the chef' where you want to be
and our Artists work their magic!
You want changes. That's the only reason why you're coming to us. We keep it real.
Some like our smiles, some like our jokes, but ultimately that's worth squat if we're not getting you to rip your muscles doing squats. We support that with a solid and experienced understanding of body mechanics, as well as scientifically grounded nutritional support...not just the standard compromised information put out by commercial interests through the Canada Food Guide. Yep, we say that too...and we back up our words. We keep it real, to bring out the real you. That's the you locked into your genes. We'll pull you out of them, kicking and screaming like a new born.

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Fitness and Nutrition...
Weights’ approach to fitness isn’t unique...but it’s not common in Vancouver. Our approach is confirmed time and time again by the top metabolic, health and fitness experts. It’s really no big secret, but it takes some passion and vision to understand what it’s about. Be sensitive and sensible about how the body works and similar conclusions come through – great minds think alike. Keep it intense and keep it short! The body dictates that the OPTIMAL workout takes place in 30 minutes or less. Can your current trainer deliver?
It’s not easily copied. That’s because it requires both a deep and broad knowledge of how the body actually works, and a passionate interest to ensure this gets translated into each client’s unique circumstances. The body is genetically structured for optimal results with at most 30 minute workouts. This dictates a small, dedicated space where clients can be focussed on privately and intensely by expert trainers. It’s very difficult to effectively duplicate this approach in a large public gym. One on one private training, only one client at a time is where the best results are, period.
This is complemented by indepth nutritional direction that is practical. We evaluate and integrate the vast knowledge coming out regularly from the world of nutrition, including the evolving understanding of useful and healthy supplements. Eating healthy is about understanding the body dynamics and working with these...and not about depriving the body of needed building blocks. All our fitness programs come with a detailed meal plan, with personalization options.

Check what our Fitness Artists can do for You....

Whether you're flying freestyle with your goals, and you know your destination with the precision of a homing pigeon, just needing an Expert to interpret those goals into your body....or whether you need some help articulating your goals beyond "get lean and toned", we have the approach and style for you.

Corporate Fitness Packages
Some companies understand that for every $1 they spend on employee wellness, they get on average $6 back in improved productivity. Our approach to group or corporate fitness is as customized as our personalized attention to our personal clients. We don't do classes, we don't do boot camps, or corral you and your workmates in to an hour of dodgeball or "let's pretend we're warrior" weekend activities.
We drive for body changes, and we'll negotiate what might work from what we have. We've had companies hire us from hands off goal setting/goal monitoring, to some companies paying for full training packages for any of their employees.
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Nutrition is where fitness happens. Our optimal body shape and composition TOTALLY depends on how we eat....and how we eat is determined by the kind of exercise we do and how well we manage stress.

That said, today's world of nutrition is an apocalyptic stew ranging from healthy and pure organics to commercially allowed deadly and genetically damaging toxins, added from the field through the kitchen to the pantry...to the growing understanding of natural toxins that plants create themselves, and beyond. Besides dealing with what to eat to lean out and muscle up, we are having to confront the reality of selecting our foods to avoid genetically damaging ourselves and inducing deadly conditions.

We provide well researched and effective direction in this confusion.

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